photo by Jeff Jones


Custom Lettering

Large custom sign (1-9 words) $110
Large custom sign $150
Seating chart sign $175
Small custom sign (1-4 words) $35
Small custom sign (5-15 words) $50

Sign prices may vary depending on design complexity and illustration needs



These rates are per piece, paper not included. The final invoice will include shipping and sales tax (where applicable).
There is no extra charge for using dark or lined envelopes or colored ink .

Envelope address $3.00 for 3 lines ($0.75 for each additional line, not counting zip code)
Return address $2.75
Place card (name only) $2.00
Escort card (name and table number) $2.50
Table number $3.00 per side
Table name $4.50 per side

Check out how the process works here.


For Reproduction

Bride and Groom names (delivered electronically) $100
Spot calligraphy (1-5 words, delivered electronically) $25
Return Address (delivered electronically) $50
Monogram (delivered electronically) $50
Invitation design (delivered electronically) $300+

Logo design $500+



Facilitation of paper purchase $15